

Our Burnaby Brentwood team of trainers and professionals.

AllMassage TherapistsTrainersOsteopathDietitians
Massage Therapist

Justin Yang

When it comes to the importance of well being, Justin is a strong believer in longevity. Justin’s treatment style heavily focuses on the nervous system, ridding all the unwanted compensation patterns that may develop after getting injured. Justin pairs manual techniques along with proper home care to help prevent injury, while maximizing efficiency for his patients. Whether you are looking for corrective therapeutic work or simply looking for maintenance, Justin has the knowledge and strength to help achieve your treatment goals.

Areas of Focus:
Preventative Maintenance, Neurological Compensations, Performance Optimization, Patient Education

NKT Level 3, Functional Range Conditioning, Anatomy Trains

Personal Trainer

Ryan Omeasoo

FIGHTERFIT ATHLETIX is an online service company for personal training and fitness services. The site offers weight loss solutions, fitness training, martial arts training, nutritional advice, and motivational content. Its Fitness Site claims to have a wide variety of fitness programs designed to build strength, endurance, flexibility, and muscle tone. It also claims to include educational information on nutrition and lifestyle choices.

From the beginning, Ryan decided to build an online personal training business that would deliver both superior nutrition coaching and cutting-edge fitness training to clients around the world. FighterFITX’s approach centers on teaching people to use diet and exercise to achieve high levels of overall health, fitness and wellness.

Whether you want to try a new activity or stay fit with a workout you can do at home, our martial arts programs are a fun way to stay in shape and meet new people.


TRX level one certification

Online Trainer certification 

ACSM personal trainer certification 

Level one Precision Nutrition certification 

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

Mehrbod Atshani

Mehrbod practiced medicine for 8 years back in his country trying to help people with their pain. Soon he realized that holistic approach is more aligned with his philosophy. So he studied to become an osteopathic manual practitioner. Traveling half of the world and switching from medicine to osteopathy taught him valuable lessons. He is always open to changes and believes that everyone is able to do so.

Area of Focus:
Osteopathy is holistic approach to address acute and chronic pain and bring body to normal alignment using its natural healing powers. Osteopathy uses verity of structural realignment techniques, craniosacral and visceral manipulations to address different problems. In the absence of pain, Osteopathic techniques could be used to promote wellness through wellness sessions.

Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice, National Academy of Osteopathy
Osteopathic Bridge Program Clinical Internship, 1000 hours, National Academy of Osteopathy
Medical Doctor Degree, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Annie Tsang

Annie Tsang is a Registered Dietitian who believes strongly in motivational interviewing as an effective counseling strategy to support her clients in making realistic changes. Annie has extensive experiences in the area of mental health, emotional and disorder eating, gut health, prenatal health, and hormonal health. She is currently working at the Eating Disorder  Program in Richmond and BC Cancer Agency. She is passionate about her work and is always looking for ways to provide quality services to her clients. Stay tuned as she creates upcoming group programs and classes that might benefit you.   Annie can help you discover how to eat with awareness, manage cravings, love your body and build a peaceful relationship with food. Or if you are just looking to improve your nutrition and feel healthier but are not sure where to start,  she can review your diet for missing or lacking nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 

Annie provides services in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. She believes food is the nourishment that drives our emotions, energy, and self-esteem. She can assist and support your nutrition goals based on your specific needs and readiness to change. As a Registered Dietitian, she can provide you with information and feedback that are evidence-based.

Areas of Focus:
– Emotional eating and disordered eating behaviours 
– Mood Disorders 
– Hormonal health – PCOS, hormone imbalance, endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy nutrition
– Digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, constipation, acid reflux, diverticulitis) 
– Family and kid nutrition 

Registered member of the College of Dietitians of British Columbia and Dietitians of Canada

